Saturday 6 October 2007

Lose Fat and Gain Muscle Fast

I want to talk about the two aspects of getting ready for the summer "Beach Contest". Firstly - no one wants to look like a big, sweaty Jelly Fish. And nowadays more and more people want to tighten up their bodies so that they can be the center of attention. Ever wondered what it's like to have that Head-Turning Aura around you? I know, I have.. Well I am 34 years old and I am training at the Gym for about a year and a half now.. At first I didn't know what to do surrounded by all those muscular studs. Did You ever feel You are some place You don't belong to? That is how I felt.. I weighed a steady 227 lbs, now I am at a steady 196lbs. I am here now to tell you how I did it by cutting trough the crap. Here also are my before and after pictures. Have in consideration that the time between the photos is approximately 7-8 weeks. I've lost an additional 10 lbs after that. Also I would like you to keep in mind that I was training for a year in the gym before I used this program. Actually my "Before" picture shows you my results for a One Year Active Training!

So What Happened During These 7-8 weeks that turned my whole year of sweat and tears into Dust???

That is What I Want to Show You Today.

Now, many of you may consider this simply - Advertising. That is not my intention, but you must make up your own mind in order to continue reading this post further. What I want to present you is a system that has made my efforts to get in shape reality in just a few weeks. I only Want to save You the TIME AND PAIN that I went trough for finding this amazing solution.
This is The Product That has Changed My Life and Will Do so For You too!

Let me present you with :

Transform your body from
by Ray Burton

The Program includes :

  1. Fully detailed instructions on how to get started from square one fast. This includes diet, recipes, how to stimulate muscle properly and melt off the fat. The guesswork is all gone. Pages 15 - 31
  2. Safe and individualized progression that will allow you to go from beginner to advanced level. No matter where you are starting, the answers are in there for you.
  3. The motivation and goal setting process is there to help you set your goals and then achieve them. That little voice in your head works overtime and is always holding you back, and you'll know how to shut him up for good! Pages 103 - 121
  4. Go step-by-step through the 8 integrated workout programs to insure your continued progress without sticking points and plateaus.
  5. Quickie "start up" or "burnt out" get-em-done-fast workouts and diets. You may be burnt out from work or maybe you have never really "done the exercise thing" before. No Problem! This is a body transformation for all states and shapes. If you want to start right away, turn to page 51
  6. Fully detailed fat burning nutrition plan that you can customize so that you no longer have to follow the "If it tastes good it cant be on the diet" method. You will know what, when and how to eat and make it work around your schedule. Pages 87-91 plus printable plan.
And That's Just To Name a Few!

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Friday 5 October 2007

Everything You Want from Your Body in 24 Minutes A Day

"Give Me Just 24 Minutes A Day And I'll Give You That Head-Turning Body You've Always Dreamed Of..."
Those are the words of the visionary Sean Nalewanyj a Best Selling Author and a Natural Bodybuilder who has been dedicated to helping anyone who wants to look and feel better and has changed many peoples lives for the Better.

As a matter of fact my life too was greatly influenced by his teachings. While I wasn't a complete newbie in fitness and bodybuilding, his theories helped my achieve the desired results. Well.. what Did I want? I wanted to look good and feel good in my own body, also I wanted to get attention from the others, generally the opposite sex :). Well, I got all the women I wanted and the beautifully ripped muscular body that so many men dream about in Just a Few Months For Only 24 Minutes A Day. I must admit that Sean Nalewanyj made a believer out of me, because I didn't thought that such overwhelming results are possible without taking steroids or other such supplements. I'm HAPPY TO SAY THAT HE PROVED ME WRONG. I am Writing This Post As A "Thank You" Note to him on the behalf of all the people he has helped achieve tremendous change in their lives.
Thanks Sean - Keep Up The Good Work!

To Change Your LIFE and ATTITUDE OF MIND By Experiencing "THE NO-FAIL SYSTEM" of Sean Nalewanyj

As Featured On Ezine Articles